
Here at the Happy Hoody Company supporting charities and good causes is what we do. The charities that we are currently supporting are below; 


SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) -

“SAMH is Scotland’s national mental health charity. Today, in over 60 communities they work with adults and young people providing mental health social care support, services in primary care, schools and further education, among others.  These services together with their national programme work in See Me, respectme, suicide prevention and active living; inform our policy and campaign work to influence positive social change.”




Shelter Scotland - 

The housing emergency is impacting 17.5 million people and people from socially and economically marginalised groups (including class, disability, gender, sexuality and race) are disproportionately affected. It’s more than street homeless. Day in day out, we see people living and sometimes tragically dying on our streets. But homelessness also means people without a permanent home. This could mean living in cramped and unstable temporary accommodation: in hostels, bed and breakfasts or sofa-surfing. Shelter exists to defend the right to a safe home.

We’re standing up to the housing emergency. This is what we’re up against… For years, successive governments haven’t built enough social homes, private renters have very little protection in an unregulated system, and welfare support isn’t good enough. Our housing system is broken and it's left millions without a safe, stable home. Homelessness is a growing problem and people are dying on our streets. We’re rallying the country to come together and support our cause. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, we’re asking you to join us and fight for a fairer society.